Our trip to Langkawi started way before we step foot in LCCT airport. About 2 weeks before, I had to scramble my way to get accommodation booked, and prepared the tour agenda. An over sight of the public holiday made bookings nearly impossible, not to mention the exorbitant prices the motels are charging for the mosquito infested shacks.
But with a little determination, finally a local agent got us a place for shut eye for the two nites.
In Langkawi, the breathtaking view from above the clouds @ Mount Mat Chinchang really is mother nature's testimony of God, the creator and tasteful artist of the beautiful pieces of work.
On our first nite, back at Pantai Cenang nearby where we stayed, we decided to go shopping around the night markets, a hotspot for souvenirs in Langkawi. To my terrible embarrassment, I missed a huge hole by a tree stump and drove the rented car right into the ditch. The left tyre was virtually hanging free, while the right tyre did not have enough grip to pull the car out.
The moment I got out of the car, several kindly Mat Sallehs came up to me to offer a hand. While discussing for a solution to the seemingly impossible situation, another Mat Salleh gentleman came by to offer his help. To cut the story short, all of them simply lifted the car, while I slowly reversed it out of the ditch, almost effortlessly. I am ever so grateful to these angels that came to our aid. They asked nothing in return and went off after that. I could imagine the consequences were there no angles such as these tourists around. I counted our blessings twice, when I remembered that I did not drive my own Evie(my Honda City) to Langkawi, but rather rented an aged Iswara. Otherwise, my heart would've been dented too.
Although not much was pre-planned, God has been a real good Father, paving the way smooth for all our visits, from Underwater World to Mount Mat ChinChang.
One of the most memorable journey was out Island Hopping trip, which included a boat ride to a cove where the eagles feed. These are eagles in the wild mind you, and they have nested virtually around the cove area where we see dozens of these majestic creatures spread their wings, swooping down in grace to skim the waters for food.
To top it all off, sunset at the beach by our ole' shack was terrific. To see the sun slowly descending behind a little island just off the shoreline, setting into the horizon is simply beyond words. My sweetheart and I were busy snapping away, trying to take in as much as possible the glorious moment. This reminds me, God sends the sun to greet us in the morning, and sets in the evening for us to rest. I am reminded to appreciate each day as it comes, because no matter how we feel, the sun still rises and sets just the same. We have been given the privilege to live, and so much live it worthwhile for God.
Final words, glory and thanks to my God and Friend, for His unending and relentless love and cover over me and my sweetheart throughout the entire trip, and may our lives continue to be works of testimony of His wonderful grace and gift to mankind. I hope for those who do not know who or what I am talking about, if u are wondering the reason of my gratefulness, or why wonderful things has been happening in my life, feel free to ask. I am more than happy to share with you, the REAL UN-SECRET to everlasting happiness and fulfillment.